
• Best-practices Consulting: Today’s IT directors and managers are under constant pressure to keep the business systems and applications operational and protected. Sometimes, while looking at the next-best-thing in technology, the fundamentals are overlooked. Foredeck Technology, Inc. can review, assess, and provide guidance on comprehensive operational and security best-practices for small and medium businesses in all sectors. Our approach is helpful and non-judgmental; focused on improving the infrastructure and IT processes of the organization.

• Staff Augmentation: If you’re having problems juggling day-to-day operations, while still trying to complete projects by deadline, another set of hands may be just what you need. Foredeck Technology, Inc. can facilitate technical project work and see it through to completion. Or, if you need a temporary IT leadership during a workforce transition, we can work with departing and new staff alike.

• Project Implementation: Have a new technical project that you don’t know when you’ll be able to complete? Foredeck Technology, Inc. can advise, plan, communicate, and execute all aspects of the project for you. We’re experienced communicating with everyone from stakeholders to end users in a way that puts them at ease with changes.

• Technical Problem Resolution: Have a plaguing technical problem that you just can’t seem to resolve? Let us look at the logs and work with the vendor. Sometimes, it helps to have someone not as close to the problem look at it with fresh eyes.

• Infrastructure Refresh: Perhaps you’ve let your infrastructure ride a little too long and it’s in need of an update. Foredeck Technology, Inc. can assess, recommend, procure, and implement technology that meets your budget but is ready for future growth. 

• Cloud Transition: Uncertainty about new technologies can prohibit their adoption. We have a lot of experience moving systems into contemporary cloud environments. Key factors are security and minimal downtime during transitions.

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